Monday, August 2, 2010

Near Death...or not.

The dying Brain...

There are a few stages that the human mind goes through in order to reach its final result of death. Physically, and psychological changes are all to be expected. For example, Physically, body heat is lowered causing the person to feel cold, and they may get a very dry mouth but what is going on physiologically when the human mind is nearing its death.
Many have claimed stages of hallucination or Near Death Experiences(NDE). There is debate on whether a person is in a state of hallucination or experiencing a life after death experience, considering many who themselves have experienced it claim it to be that. Although research proves this to be wrong considering there has been no proof that any factual information from an unknown location to the person has been obtained from their state of being but instead they often describe false perceptions of the physical world during their experience.

The NDE's is the brain releasing dimethlyltryptamine or DMT, same chemical released that causes us to dream.

So in our last seconds of life our brain gives us an experience that may seem so real that we think it is, but what if this is not the end of the road?
In the last seconds of our lives how many times has someone been pronounced dead before they really are.
We need to find the loop hole in medical science that is lacking and save the lives that should have been saved.

Near Death...